
Results 89 comments of Daniel

I found out, that with updating from 1.8.3 to 1.9.3 there are no `/directory/spaces` and `/directory/members` anymore but `/spaces` and `/people`.

> you'll need to sign the Apollo Contributor License Agreement @apollo-cla done ✔️

I also want to trigger toasts from elsewhere, not in render of components. Could this be possible? **Edit**: I found another package as wrapper around [ToastAndroid](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/toastandroid.html) working also for iOS:...

> Thanks for the PR! What's wrong with the "are" in your opinion? i read it as "Setting this to true will render the descriptions of the consent modal and...

@adewes what about this PR?

Don't know, I am using this now since a while: https://github.com/archriss/react-native-render-html

And you don't want to use that because of the WebView implementation @club9822?

Thanks @isilher, wrapping my content in a `` did it for me.

@nguyenhuyhieu1995 there are probably new lines between you HTML tags, which normal browsers are ignoring but the HMTLView is not. I think you need a trim method, like @ducpt2 was...

@nkrmr any updates, did you solve the "moving when moving"? we also have the problem of objects not being fixed in the ar world. we think it is a problem/setting...