
Results 89 comments of Daniel

Is there something new on this? Images also disappear if the search box is disabled but the user presses some keys. Only up/down are working as they are proper inputs...

@leeleoo but when you install your packages again or update them, your local change will be gone. You are using an older Android API level, right?

> I'm having the same problem, using a VPN does not solve it for me, but if I put `NetInfo.fetch()` inside a 3 sec `setTimeOut` it works I also have...

I also have the problem, that `isInternetReachable` is `null` for a longer time. I need to call `await NetInfo.fetch()` multiple times, until `isInternetReachable` changes to `true` or `false`.

Any update? I am also facing `Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 113: Could not find specified service` in Simulator on iOS 11.0.1. For iOS 13.0 there is `CDVPlugin class WKWebViewXHRFix...

i just updated `react-native-barcode-builder` to 2.0.0 and got the same for iOS. Android is working. **edit**: @HtetAung99 I copied the code from here to my project, which works temporarily: https://github.com/wonsikin/react-native-barcode-builder/pull/50

@Brenont have you tried out the code from https://github.com/wonsikin/react-native-barcode-builder/pull/50 that helped me and others in the past?

No. I asked CodeClimate weeks ago, but without an answer yet.

it seems that eslint-7 channel provides eslint-plugin-import version 2.18.2: https://github.com/codeclimate/codeclimate-eslint/blob/channel/eslint-7/yarn.lock#L2330, which means that there is no `alphabetize` rule: https://github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.18.2/docs/rules/order.md. this rule was introduced in 2.19.0: https://github.com/benmosher/eslint-plugin-import/blob/v2.19.0/docs/rules/order.md is there somebody who...