Drive-by comment here. I have no idea what this repo is about, but... @garethsb wrote: > The code is actually using `digits10 + 2`. > I suspect the reason for...
> Trying to define areas for a triangle with approximately antipodal points > (to near the limits of floating point precision) is almost arbitrary, as such a triangle degenerates to...
Here's an easy example in which neither l'Huilier (side length based) nor Girard (spherical excess based) algorithms can possibly yield any significant digits: Consider a spherical isosceles triangle with base...
That could be fixed by replacing each cos that occurs in the formula with cos x = 1 - vers x = 1 - 2 sin^2(x/2) throughout. The 1's all...
I'm not in a position to be able to fix or test anything, unfortunately, but the following line looks suspect, and I would expect it to produce the behavior described...
@Frikki Although there are apparently several questions in your reply, I don't see anything that looks like it really wants an answer. All of your "what could be better?" "what...
@Avaq Thank you! Your reply was incredibly helpful to me, as it clarifies quite a lot of what I was wondering about and was unsure of about creed::async. In fact,...
@Avaq Just to clarify this particular point... > > if this library is intended to be a serious option for the world for doing async, it would be great if...
> It sounds like you want to implement triple buffering. Yes, in a limited sense. Note that most frames would still be computed and rendered normally into swing's back buffer;...
Are you sure users are aware of what boxes they need to tick/untick in order to make a large puzzle usable? I wouldn't have guessed shadows matter (you've mentioned it...