
Results 5 comments of 東奈比

@BruceChoca 没测过,你试试吧,把js文件地址改成本地的

两个方法都需要传routes,直接暴露不太好。也为了和vue-router尽量保持一致,还是不暴露的好。 若要在tabbar中使用,直接写js bundle就好了,再转一遍感觉有些多余 我做tabbar都是直接几个组件切换显示隐藏,官方提供的tabbar方案不太好。5个页面打包压缩也不过几十k

写了个压缩/旋转类,可以参考下 ```javascript import EXIF from 'exif-js' class ImageFile { dataURLtoBlob (dataURL = '') { let arr = dataURL.split(',') let mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1] let bstr = window.atob(arr[1]) let n = bstr.length...

Hi, daniel, thanks for the answer, but I added `shamefully-hoist=true` and it still doesn’t work. https://github.com/rotick/axues/blob/ssr/.npmrc error message is ``` [vite-node] [plugin:vite:vue] [VITE_ERROR] /@fs/E:/project/axues/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/nuxt/dist/app/components/nuxt-root.vue ```

@Baroshem Here's minimal reproduction on Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-hlnw2c?file=examples%2Fvue2%2Fpackage.json&startScript=dev:nuxt I think I have found the issue. The error occurs whenever a project with Vue2 installed is present in the workspace.