Don Gilbert
Don Gilbert
I have not thought that far ahead, but you are not the first one to ask about this, so I guess it should be considered. Any ideas?
There is still a lot of architecture to figure out. Overnight we had some guy think he was being funny or something and send in totally bogus stats, like Joomla...
Well there is no way to prevent spoofing, so I am not sure what to do about that.
We can put constraints on the data, but there is nothing preventing someone from just spamming the site with their preferred setup, and saying 'Look at all the users on...
It would make it more of a pain to fake, but still 100% possible.
The problem we have to address is that our plugin offers nothing to the user. WordPress uses this data to provide detailed update checks, and if an update is not...
Thanks for the detail here @giomasce - I've approved #9829 to fix this
Yes, that's actually a clarification point on an upcoming PSR-2 Errata doc ``` — ``` Sent from Mailbox for iPhone On Sat, Aug 31, 2013 at 9:33 PM, Andrew Eddie...
The PSR isn't yet ratified, it's still in progress.
I was thinking the same thing, @eddieajau.