> thanks for your reply. I have fixed the error,but another error occured.It's about "ValueError: invalid contig `chr5`" .When I run my data,the error is TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for...
I run my bam data,the error like this "INFO:root:Processing sample at 2024-01-30 10:34:34.101195 /public/home/dd/miniconda3/envs/smncnv/bin/depth_calling/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide y_counts = y_counts / np.median(y_counts) /public/home/dd/miniconda3/envs/smncnv/bin/depth_calling/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value...
Thanks your helpful advise. My data is targeted sequencing for specific genes,including SMN1.Is this related to reporting errors?