
Results 4 comments of doneykoo

Any update for this? That'll be a quality of life. I'm also thinking, wishing if the menu bar widget can: * Show with icon of different colors for running/paused/stopped state,...

I tried the several extensions and found this 'GitLab Markdown Viewer' is working for local file scheme ( file:// ). (in firefox 68.0.1 windows 10)

same here, wondering how to solve it

这边尝试成功方法: 把armature所在的父节点的 各个ui节点,都 touchEnabled = false, (注意是多个层级的各级,光1级父节点 touchEnabled = false、touchChildren=false没用) 可以避免龙骨部件把点击吃掉挡掉的问题,即表现出看起来好像点击事件不能禁用的问题。 相当于你可以想象为 内部的armature 导致各级父级ui(用于计算判断点击时)的大小被撑大了,即使ui逻辑上其实那几个父级的宽高都没那么大。