Don Cadavona

Results 5 comments of Don Cadavona

I don't agree that it is clear in the documentation. It's vague. I don't get what 10, 10, 2, 5, 2 and 1 means for the column values of first_name,...

@whoacowboy 's solution worked, but when I attach a role to a user like so: ``$user->attachRole('1');`` // or ``$user->roles()->attach('1');`` This error occurs: ``` BadMethodCallException in Builder.php line 2025: Call to...

Face palm, Just realized **Entrust** isn't compatible with Laravel 5.1. **Entrust** conflicts with **Laravel 5.1**'s new built-in **Authorization** in 5.1: I didn't realize Laravel had Authorization in 5.1 until...

Still have this issue. So far for me, it only happens on mobile (via Google Chrome's Device Tool) like so: When not in a mobile device, there are no problems....

I FIXED this by overriding the class that has the issue with `composer`: **First**, copy the original class from the vendor to your app: $ `cp vendor/pragmarx/tracker/src/Data/Repositories/Session.php app/VendorOverrides/PragmaRX/Tracker/Data/Repositories/Session.php` **Second**, add...