Pedro Pereira Santos

Results 10 comments of Pedro Pereira Santos

Would also love this. Code/html/sass auto reloading will be a killer feature here for our designers to go on board with the devs on cljs. :)

Yes, that's great @alaisi :)

Doesn't postgres have something for timeouts? For example, any operation that takes longer than 1s would be canceled/timedout by postgres. I could use core.async's timeout, but mixing that with insert/update...

Here's the full stacktrace with your code: ``` at com.github.pgasync.impl.netty.NettyPgProtocolStream.send( at com.github.pgasync.impl.PgConnection.query( at com.github.pgasync.impl.PgConnectionPool.lambda$query$14( at com.github.pgasync.impl.PgConnectionPool$$Lambda$10/847936826.accept(:0) at com.github.pgasync.impl.PgConnectionPool.getConnection( at com.github.pgasync.impl.PgConnectionPool.query( at postgres.async/execute!(async.clj:46) at postgres.async/query!(async.clj:57) at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper( at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo( at clojure.core/apply(core.clj:628)...

@alaisi here's my use case: when my `(config/get-connection ...)` is called for the first time, it calles `open-db` and puts the conn-pool on an `atom`. All next calls will get...

More info: we have 2 services running but we only have this problem on one of them. After checking out heroku I noticed that the postgres versions are different. On...

Hey @alaisi , Any news on this? Is there any workaround or something I can help with?

It's not easy to test this, we get this randomly on production and don't have a always fail test scenario. I did run this on one of our services and...

Hum.. on this particular service we do use component and start/stop the system on every test scenario that needs the DB. Any workaround for this?

@alaisi I tried close on another thread and the speed is back to normal. So we'll adjust our tests to a global conn.