BluetoothSerial icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BluetoothSerial copied to clipboard

Cordova (PhoneGap) Plugin for Serial Communication over Bluetooth

Results 83 BluetoothSerial issues
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Hi, I can't create connection to device and send command to serial port in iOS, in Android it's work fine. Currently problem it's: "Could not find peripheral CE8D6722-6A98-EC88-C675-E811384B4453., also bluetoothSerial.list()...

I am currently using Ionic 6 in React on iOS. I am really struggling to get this working as I receive a `Device not found`. The iOS device shows the...

There is no adapted or updated documentation, besides the repository updates being from a few years ago, I would like to be given updated and adapted documentation for capacitor and...

Is it possible to print a HTML/PDF ? If yes, can someone help me with an example code snippet? If its not supported, is there a way to apply formatting...

I know this was intended to connect with Arduino but it seems like connecting between a pair of android or ios devices could work too. Is this already the case?...


Hello, I have a problem printing the PDF file in my project, it is printing with strange characters, could someone help me? This is the result of how it is...

We are currently using Ionic Bluetooth Serial package. I have checked package documentation on GitHub. There mentioned unsubscribe() and unsubscribeRowData() and like more functions. but when I tried to use...

Any idea on how to fix this? This problem stops me from opening the application. ![help](

``` import { BluetoothSerial } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/bluetooth-serial/ngx'; @Component({ selector: 'app-home', templateUrl: '', styleUrls: [''], }) export class HomePage { MAC = 'DC:0D:30:12:11:15'; // this is bluetooth printer mac address constructor(private...

I made an ionic app with a connection between a Android phone and a HC-05 on an Arduino Uno. When i use the method **.connect()** with a **.subscribe()** in order...