BluetoothSerial copied to clipboard
Connections from one Android device to Another
I know this was intended to connect with Arduino but it seems like connecting between a pair of android or ios devices could work too. Is this already the case? I fiddled with the examples for a while (using a nexus 7 and galaxy s4) but could not establish a connection.
The examples don't appear to have code to receive a connection in the javascript. Is that only in the arduino logic?
The code to receive a connection on Android not implemented in the plugin.
This Android code in the plugin is based on sample in the Android SDK. They have a good example of Android to Android chat. See if you can get something working and send pull request.
Is communication between android devices planning on being implemented ? I ask because I need that functionality and don't want to delve into hacking this great plugin unless it's absolutely necessary of course.
@fido0101 Android to Android would be nice to have, but I don't think I'll have it implemented soon. If you get something working submit a patch or at least a link to your code.
@don Hi, is there some news for this? it may be very nice :)
@ctreton No news on this. I'm concentrating on BLE lately. I plan to allow multiple connections in the BLE plugin I'm working on.
More info on how this could be implemented
I've managed to connect Android devices using Phonegap 2.7, with some modifications to the Java source code. I think there was an error in the code, some lines were turned into a comment, I had to "uncomment" them. Now I'm experimenting with Phonegap 4.0 but couldn't install the plugin yet (using cordova plugin add).
@tomvanenckevort has a forked version that might work
This version does not work for me.
- I downloaded the project
- copied the Chat example in a separate place
- cordova plugin add com.megster.cordova.bluetoothserial
- cordova platform add android
- cordova build - > and run
but again I see the same issue. when I try to connect my nexus 4 to my nexus 5 or vice versa. it instantly says disconnected. Was anyone successful in connecting 2 android devices with ?
I have updated the Java and JavaScript files, these are working just fine. :-) Please feel free to use them! Regards, Bence
2015-02-19 18:49 GMT+01:00 tanzeelrana [email protected]:
This version does not work for me.
- I downloaded the project
- copied the Chat example in a separate place
- cordova plugin add com.megster.cordova.bluetoothserial
- cordova platform add android
- cordova build - > and run
but again I see the same issue. when I try to connect my nexus 4 to my nexus 5 or vice versa. it instantly says disconnected. Was anyone successful in connecting 2 android devices with ?
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Download updated files from here (instructions and final .APK of my test app included):
Download the full Android Studio project from here:
thanks !! @ragcsalo I am going to try this out .....
have you tried this app? my last comment was regarding this link above. I tried this and it was not connecting 2 android devices
No, haven't tried that one. This one I updated myself, and have been using it to connect Samsung devices for 8 months now... :-)
@don Under limitations it says
The phone must initiate the Bluetooth connection iOS Bluetooth Low Energy requires iPhone 4S, iPhone5, iPod 5, or iPad3+ Will not connect Android to Android* Will not connect iOS to iOS*
does that need to be changed ?
With my modified source files you CAN connect Android to Android. I don't know how to create a forked version, but will try it someday. :-)
@ragcsalo with your updated files the app is forever on discovering devices or it just normally takes long time to discover devices ?
Are you sure those are the only files that need to be updated ?
I don't discover devices, I just display a dropdown list of paired devices, select one and connect. On the second device I also have to select and connect the first device.... and then can send and receive data. Shall I make a sample file?
If you can zip the project that works for you and share I will try to find the differences in code and figure out what is causing this problem.
I'll upload the project ZIP tomorrow. :-)
Thanks :+1:
@ragcsalo did you upload the project ?
Sorry for the delay. I have updated the source files from Hungarian to English... :-)
Download the full Android Studio project from here:
- pair the 2 Android devices over Bluetooth first
- install BluetoothSerial.apk on both devices
- after starting the app, select other device from dropdown list (on both devices)
- click on "Connect BT remote" on both devices
- after connected, you can send messages over Bluetooth :)
I know this is 5 months old since last activity, but I am trying to send data between 2 Android devices (Nexus 7 and Moto X 2nd Gen) I Can get them to connect and stay connected using the .connect() and isConnected() functions.
But when I use the Write() function, I get a success callback that the string was sent, but neither read() or Subscribe is receiving the data. Really not sure what else to try, code is very messy as I have been trying all different things, but I have pasted it below for any advise. I just want to send a string from one device to another the same as you would a chat app, although this isn't a chat app.
//Hosting the game
$scope.isHost = null;
//Watching the game
$scope.isGuest = null;
var Delimiter = '\n';
var DeviceAddress;
var isTurnedOn
var isEnabled;
var isConnected;
var sender;
var reciver;
//Check is Bluetooth is turned on
$scope.btEnabled = function () {
function () {
isEnabled = "Bluetooth is enabled";
function () {
btEnabled = "Bluetooth is NOT enabled";
return isTurnedOn;
//Check if device is connected
var s = ""
$scope.connectionStatus = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
function (info) {
console.log("BT Connected");
s = "Bluetooth is connected";
isConnected = true;
function () {
console.log("BT *not* connected");
s = "Bluetooth is not connected";
isConnected = false;
}, 5000);
return "is "+s;
//List of BT devices
$scope.btList = {}
$scope.btDiscover = function () {
function (devices) {
$scope.btList = devices;
$scope.showBTlist = true;
function (err) {
$scope.showBTlist = false;
function subScribe() {
function (data) {
$scope.subscribData = "Sub Data = " + data;
$scope.btConnect = function (item) {
//Determin devce
if (item.address) {
//Adress Android and WP
DeviceAddress = item.address;
else if (item.uuid) {
// UUID used by iOS
DeviceAddress = item.uuid;
if (isConnected != true) {
sender = true;
function (success) {
$scope.connectedTo =;
// subScribe();
function (err) {
console.log('Connection failed');
$scope.connectedTo = + err;
else {
reciver = true;
$scope.sendMessage = function (message) {
//$cordovaBluetoothSerial.write('\n' + message);
$cordovaBluetoothSerial.write('\n' + message).then(
function (success) {
console.log("Message Sent")
function (failure) {
console.log("Message Sent" + failure)
Can you please help me ?I have tried this bluetooth serial plugin.But i can't able to connect the two android device.Please suggest ,what I need to change in code.I am new to cordova
@don actually support android-to-android ? ios-to-ios ? android-to-ios ?
@BurakDev there is no support for that, but you can just take a look at the bluetooth chat example in the official android docs for android to android communication.
I already uploaded my code, I made Android to Android connection with a modified version of Don's bluetooth serial plugin. 2015. dec. 9. 0:11 ezt írta ("Andreas Teufel" [email protected]):
@BurakDev there is no support for that, but you can just take a look at the bluetooth chat example in the official android docs for android to android communication.
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@ragcsalo the link to the zip file does not work anymore
@BurakDev There's a fork that should support Android to Android
The original code for Android was based on the Android chat example that @ateufel mentioned. I think people enabled the RFCOMM listening to make this work.
Maybe someone can issue a pull request based on @tomvanenckevort or @ragcsalo's changes?
For iOS to iOS, you'll need one of the iOS devices to be running a Bluetooth Low Energy service that looks like one of the supported UART services. (Nordic/Adafruit, RedBearLab, BlueGiga, Laird)
For Android to iOS or iOS to Android, you'd need Bluetooth Low Energy, since iOS doesn't (easily) support Bluetooth Classic. You can use another one of my plugins to connect to Bluetooth low energy services. You'd need to create the service with native code for now. (I have cordova-plugin-ble-peripheral planned, but not implemented).
Uhh... I accidentaly deleted the ZIP file... I'll upload it again soon!!!