Dominik Lander
Dominik Lander
> Do you have an example article for where this happened? I don't have definitive steps to reproduce. I can reproduce this on a different Chrome profile to my normal...
> These are the sizes for top-above-nav (the ad slot that fails). Does anything look strange about them? I've checked these against another Chrome profile where ads load correctly and...
> @domlander yeah I ran into this, googletag doesn't like `[0, 0]` it has to be the string `"fluid"` It looks like [0, 0] is a size mapping when testing...
> The exception would appear in sentry if it's happening in prod right? (That's how I found the issue with immersive size mappings being pressed into the data attrs) I...
> Here's an example (the issue I mentioned from a while ago) > > I think any thrown Error will end up in sentry. I can't find a `cannot...
Android Preview is broken which was hampering Garry with testing
Things to consider: - How tall does the right-hand column need to be for us to be able to insert this component? If the article is small and subsequently there...
Reverted [this PR]( as users reported seeing the same content for all regions. [Revert PR]( We should investigate why the new API for most viewed does not show the correct...
I'm on holiday next week so I'm updating the ticket with my progress. UPDATE: still not working, but I think I know why now. It looks like the [new endpoint](