Dominykas Blyžė

Results 20 issues of Dominykas Blyžė

# Summary At the moment, if for whatever reason the sync process gets stuck (e.g. because some resource fails to start up properly and keeps on retrying), the sync will...


I have a bunch of applications loaded from git. Sometimes we need to stop syncing per application. It seems there is currently no way to achieve this? If I got...


I know, I know, it was just added :) But still - I'm raising this issue to at least get an official "no" - or maybe someone has a more...

The [CI workflow]( used here is almost identical to a standard Node.js library testing pattern (checkout, `npm install`, `npm test`). As part of [Package Maintenance WG](, I've recently created [`pkgjs/action`](

Fixes Opening up early to get some discussion - mostly want to know whether the approach I'm taking here is right before I go and complete this with coverage...

## Motivation ("The Why") I found some references to private registries in a `package-lock.json` of a public project. They likely ended up in there by mistake. Sorry, if there's already...

#### Support plan * *is this issue currently blocking your project?* (yes/no): yeah, kind of * *is this issue affecting a production system?* (yes/no): nah #### Context * *node version*:...


Suppose your stylesheet has `body, html, div, p { margin: 0; padding: 0 }`, but your document does not have a `p`. The produced inline stylesheet will only have `body,...


It seems that this doesn't find the CSS output files (`E_NOENT`) when HtmlWebpackPlugin is set up to append the hash in the query string. (There are alternative ways to bust...

help wanted
good first issue

I keep hitting this problem, so I may as well post in here for opinions and possibly some sort of effort on a shared convention. A bunch of tools we...