Dominic Giles
Dominic Giles
Ok... So I clearly have an issue that I think I fixed in the build I just created that should stop the build if it can't connect... Re the passwords,...
Looks like a bug. I'll try and get a fix.
Are you trying to run this on Windows or Mac? Those are the only platforms that the Java libraries are supported at present.
Swingbench 2.5 v/s Swingbench 2.6 TPM difference. TPM's are approx 10x lesser in 2.6 compared to 2.5
Hmmmm..... That's very odd. Have you got the config/command line parameters you used? But even 42,000 TPM seems low on a 16 CPU config... I'm getting 256,683 TPM on an...
To be clear sbutil -val says everything is ok?
Hi Guy... Have you made any progress on the I2C support? It partially works already. It will occasionally start with pixels all over the screen and then carry on working...
I'll take a look. StressTest is supposed to be a simple test.... It's not best suited for RAC. But I'll see what I can do. I would typically use OrderEntry...