Dom Christie

Results 69 comments of Dom Christie

> Is the goal of this library to only convert HTML that could be generated by markdown into markdown? If so then I think I agree your solution is the...

I have contributed some thoughts to the issue on trix here:

FWIW removing metadata content elements can be done with: ```js turndownService .remove(['script', 'style', 'title']) .turndown(…) ``` and keeping them (tags included): ```js turndownService .keep(['script', 'style', 'title']) .turndown(…) ```

I've not heard of SSML, so this looks interesting! I'm not quite sure what the issue is, but I have an idea, which I'll jot down below: During the conversion...

One of the main benefits of using the DOM is that you get HTML parsing for free in browsers: We also use methods defined on DOM nodes for querying....

> I don't understand the title change, enex-dump is a standalone application and has nothing to do with Electron, turndown is not bloated and slow only when used in Electron...

> I've opened this issue because turndown requires ~10mb of dependencies and because I think it's not very performant, aren't these good enough reasons for opening an issue? The fact...

> jsdom should be loaded conditionally, in such a way that it's import can be removed entirely via dead code elimination. I believe this is already the case: `process.browser`...

> Kind of, you're completely omitting the import from the bundle, but if the right bundle isn't loaded (which seems to be the case for me) that doesn't matter Yes,...

Thanks for taking the time to investigate this further! > Those are a lot of bundles. The state of JS 😩 Would it be possible to do something like the...