Dom Barnes

Results 12 issues of Dom Barnes

The NewDealsProduct model does not have support for the Tax field as detailed in Would be beneficial to add this and presumably DealProductUpdate


### Sanity checks - [X] I have searched []( and there are no duplicates of my issue - [X] I have run `fig doctor` in the affected terminal session -...


I am currently using this gem in a couple of Rails projects without issue connecting to an IdentityServer with openid/oauth. I was previously using a fairly basic handwritten Oauth handler...

Are there any plans to support Vue 3.0 as the design of directives is a breaking change

More of a question than an issue, but have you looked at adding SAN/UCC support, allowing for multiple subdomains per certificate? I run a number of sites that I have...

Currently using Omniauth-oauth2 v1.8.0 (can't upgrade to 2.0 for IdentityServer reasons) and I've got this in my strategy: ``` args %i[client_id client_secret client_scope] option :name, 'my_provider' option :client_options, { site:...

**Describe the bug** Just today I started getting some errors on using `OrganisationFields.GetAll()` `One or more errors occurred. (Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int64'. Path 'data[22].order_nr', line 1, position...

I have an issue where I am unable to Ctrl C out of a failed console. Example: If you happen to omit an `end` around a block, you get a...

Slack Command POSTs get sent as form-urlencoded content, which when read by Rack are then converted to params. Once body is read by rack, its empty. As per, this...