Dulguun Battulga
Dulguun Battulga
Any updates on this since 2015?
Links for more japanese cities http://japan.census.okfn.org/dataset/air-quality
More on the Tokyo source: - Data URL: http://www.taiki.kankyo.metro.tokyo.jp/cgi-bin/bunpu1/p160.cgi?no2=1501307014=1501307014=1=800=2====2=#chap1 It shows the latest AQ. - About measurements and units: http://www.taiki.kankyo.metro.tokyo.jp/bunpu1/air1/tanni.html Describes the measurements, their units, and averaging periods.
@dhhagan It's a known issue on the API, see openaq/openaq-api#275
Some API endpoints I've found: * http://pollution.gov.np:8000/api/station * http://pollution.gov.np:8000/api/station/3 * http://pollution.gov.np:8000/api/data-series You can open network monitor in your browser and visit a station page for full list of accessed API...
@RocketD0g pinging if their API has stablized or not.
This looks great. If only the coordinates were in the resource. But, it looks like we can replace the scraper in the long run.
Should we hold onto these until EEA issue is completed?
In principle, I think it should be provided, as Switzerland is [one of countries reporting](http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/air/reporting-obligations). Can you confirm this @olafveerman?