Denis Olsem

Results 15 issues of Denis Olsem

It seems like the only problem with #1094 is providing detailed error output when a custom assertion fails. Everything else is straightforward. What if `` could accept an object to...

help wanted

I use serialize with redux-devtools-extension for serializing symbols and custom representation of my data structure by defining a replacer function. When I change from redux-devtools-extension to remote-redux-devtools serializing doesn't work....

The second link anchor works on its own, but when the first (invalid) link anchor is present, the second stops working as well. ![Screen Shot 2020-12-22 at 12 56 05...


This PR adds a config option to specify number of retries for the lambda function in case of failure.

pkg: serverless-offline-dynamodb-streams

Currently if lambda function fails with error its result gets logged as ``` Serverless: [✖] DynamoDB_To_ES ``` This PR adds error output after `DynamoDB_To_ES`.

pkg: serverless-offline-dynamodb-streams

Currently if a table without streams is provided to `serverless-offline-dynamodb-streams`, it crashes with `MissingRequiredParameter: Missing required key 'StreamArn' in params`. This PR adds a more descriptive error.

pkg: serverless-offline-dynamodb-streams

It would be useful to be able to share links to documents that open internal team view with the full editor and the sidebar for those who are signed in...

Right now the `list` function does not add a lot of value; it just wraps `range` in `Array.from`. I propose a more versatile function while maintaining strong typing. Here are...

Currently cassandra-migrate does not provide a way to customize cluster options, such as policies for load balancing, address translation (crucial when the cluster is in a private subnet and you...

## Description This PR adds a product function that takes N arrays as arguments and outputs the Cartesian product, for example: ```ts produce(['a', 'b'], [1, 2]) // => [['a', 1],...