I have tried to add this option to ffmpeg_options.txt But the configure fails because no lilv-0 found. --enable-lv2 is required for lv2 plugins to work. (like broadband noise reduction
I am on Windows 10 64 bits, this is the .init file [compiler list] arch=3 license2=1 standalone=2 vpx2=1 aom=1 rav1e=1 dav1d=1 libavif=1 jpegxl=1 x2643=4 x2652=1 other265=1 svthevc=1 xvc=1 vvc=1 svtav1=1...
**Type:** - [x] feature **Description:** Hi, i am experimenting with this plugins, i have to animate like 50+ paths and it was horrible on performance. After going deep, i understood...
Hi, could you take a look at this issue? Seems like similar colours but complitley different placed. *Left is the original Monokai Pro Spectrum on VSCode with the Hashicorp terraform...