Having the same issue on `3.4.1` Using regular `tsc` works fine though.
The last proper code commit was in Jul 2018, so probably no update on this. Maybe this project is dead?
I am having the same issue, I need this feature! I am using `baseUrl` and `paths` for non-relative imports. I am using `awesome-typescript-loader` to bundle into a single `index.js` for...
Its not trivial because a `slice` of commits may have commits which do not have an parent node. The parent node is way far out, outside of the `slice`
1 million commits was just an example to set the story and mood (bad example :joy: ) Yes, it would need to be paginated. Bitbucket paginates it. But if you...
Anyone got any ideas? I am really stuck
@CrixuAMG I am using Electron too... Perhaps thats the reason? Edit: Actually I remember I figured it out. It is because nodegit doesn't seem to work for electron **renderer**, but...
It seems like electron does support native modules though: Now I am confused
How do you run a production build of `nodegit`?
Failed for this video too: My Code: ```typescript{ url: "", preset: Presets.MP3, }).then((results) => { res.status(200).download(results.path, "song.mp3"); }, (err) => console.error(err)); ``` Why does this happen?