
Results 3 issues of dokutoku

Accessing [opensearch.xml]( at []( returns a 404 error. ``` 404 - Not Found Not Found Internal error information: No routes match path '/opensearch.xml' ```

Some search terms may cause server errors. For example, a search for `excel-d` resulted in the following message. ``` 500 - Internal Server Error Internal Server Error Internal error information:... ``` The project build failed. copy/paste this link to adam so he can fix the bug. std.file.FileException@std/file.d(4661): /dpldocs/libressl-d/master/adrdox-generated/: No such file or directory ---------------- ??:? @safe core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR* std.file.cenforce!(core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR*).cenforce(core.sys.posix.dirent.DIR*, scope...