I use the latest source code (main branch, commit: b2becbb) and flutter sdk (master channel) Use this command to launch gallery web app with local web-server `flutter run -d web-server...
flutter_ble_lib version = 2.2.6 How to reproduce? 1. Launch App on iOS physical device. 2. Scan ble devices and keep device identifier. 3. Power off the ble device, and connect...
The behavior of knownPeripherals are different on Android and iOS. In iOS, knownPeripherals means known by System (OS) In Android, knownPeripheral means known by lib. (Lib should scan first, and...
Source Gen 1.0.0 is null-safety now: I've tried to upgrade these dependencies, and Iooks fine. Could you please merge this? Thanks
Looks like auto_route is not compatible with the latest "analyzer" library: ```Because auto_route_generator >=0.6.10 depends on analyzer >=0.40.0 =5.0.0 depends on analyzer ^2.0.0``` Please consider update this dependency constraints, thanks.
如題,更新到targetSDK = 33,且release build之後,抓到的OAID全是0,有確認過設定的隱私權設定中廣告追蹤有開啟,有顯示裝置的廣告ID。 但是降版回targetSDK = 32之後,就可以正常抓到OAID 請問大神知道可能的原因嗎?
```print(magnitude(1000.0);``` output is 2 This should be dart double precision issue. How can we solve this? Thanks