Dr Mike Williams
Dr Mike Williams
I have the same query really, since `goth` will try to run with no configuration (as we only want to use `goth` in prod and not in development or testing...
We too are hitting this _issue_ in only one of our umbrella projects that uses Maru https://github.com/falood/maru Maru uses Poison and not HTTPoison so perhaps it's not entirely related to...
After digging into the Erlang v19 source code for `stdlib:erl_anno` and the function `set` ``` erlang set(Item, Value, Anno) -> case {is_settable(Item, Value), Anno} of {true, Line} when ?ALINE(Line) ->...
So now I have ran the following in `iex` `:cover.compile_beam_directory("/Users/mike/dev/InflowNet/_build/dev/lib/inflownet_api/ebin" |> String.to_char_list)` which is where the Erlang `cover` library is used to prepare itself and it generates the error we...
This looks like the code that could be setting the -1 value in `erl_anno.erl` and note the comments!! ``` erlang -ifdef(DEBUG). from_term(Term) when is_list(Term) -> Term; from_term(Line) when is_integer(Line), Line...
My _offending_ module is the one that uses Maru via `use Maru.Router` and this module is a tiny macro around `use Maru.Builder`. That introduces a lot of Elixir macro code...