
Results 6 issues of doiya46

I antd less css need `javascriptEnabled` to compile option. Do you guys have any ideal to overrides `` config. 1. In a component i have to import like: `import "antd/lib/button/style/index.less";`...

type/help wanted

Get error ```log ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'react-dom/test-utils' in '/node_modules /.pnpm/[email protected]_b75d9bf4dcec62aa604067cd2990aba6/ node_modules/@ant-design/pro-utils/es/hooks/useDebounceFn' ``` on Line 2: ![Screenshot from 2022-09-19 08-54-29](

### πŸ› bug 描述 ### πŸ“· 倍现ζ­₯ιͺ€ Steps to reproduce 1. Move fixed column from right to to left and undo (move that column from left to right) 2. Drag...

### πŸ› bug 描述 ### πŸ“· 倍现ζ­₯ιͺ€ Steps to reproduce 1. Drag to swap some column 2. Click reset 3. Drag to swap 4. Setting output remove all fixed column...

To customize themes, the customer can configure any variables (color, font, size...) in the Settings feature and save it to the local storage and init when app start. Do we...

Default show all filter form items in the Pro Table. If the user wants to display fewer items, they can click to show less.