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:snake: Snakemake wrappers for bioinformatics.
Snakemake wrappers for bioinformatics research.
Available wrappers
Tool | Description |
Differential expression | |
DESeq2 | |
EBSeq | |
edgeR | |
Gene expression quantification | |
rsem | |
feature-counts | |
htseq | |
kallisto | |
cufflinks | |
salmon | |
Working with PDB files | |
fetch-pdb | Fetch pdb file from RCSB PDB using PDB ID. |
fetch-pdb-fasta | Fetch FASTA sequence associated with PDB ID. |
Variant calling | |
freebayes | |
somatic-sniper | |
varscan/somatic | |
strelka2 | |
Variant annotation | |
snpeff | |
Copy number analysis | |
varscan/copynumber | |
varscan/copycaller | |
dnacopy/cbs-segmentation | |
cnvkit | |
Sequencing data retrieval | |
sra-tools | |
prefetch | |
parallel-fastq-dump | |
Sequencing read preprocessing | |
fastqc | The most popular quality-control tool for high-throughput sequencing data. |
trim-galore | Adapter trimming and quality control. Also provides RRBS-specific trimming option. |
fastp | |
Sequencing read alignment | |
bwa | |
bowtie | |
bowtie2 | |
Splice-aware sequencing read alignment | |
hisat2 | |
star | |
Bisulfite-treated sequencing read alignment | |
bismark | |
bwa-meth | |
bsmap | |
Alignment manipulation | |
sambamba | A faster alternative of samtools. Wrappers for Sort, Index, Merge, Flagstat, Markdup are implemented for now. |
samtools | Manipulates Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format. Wrappers for Sort, Index, Faidx are implemented for now. |
Bisulfite-seq postprocessing | |
methyldackel | |
Miscellaneous | |
subsample-fastq | |
wgsim | |
tabix | |
igvtools |