I'm not able to find the bug report now, but I wonder if this is related to another issue we've seen in 3002 where only configured grains are being loaded?...
@j-gerding Can you tell us more about the state that the Salt minion is in when this issue is happening? I believe I am seeing this same issue. Specifically, is...
@twangboy One recommendation I received on how to resolve this was the following: > The Get-ItemProperty call probably needs its -ErrorAction set to “SilentlyContinue”. This may be an alternative to...
@waynew Thanks for looking. I will try this. Does this confirm that this is a "will not fix" type issue then?
@dwoz Can clarify what constitutes a "master misbehaving" in this case? Do you just mean a master that is very busy and maybe not keeping up with workload?
Can you try stopping your Salt master and minion, then run `find /opt/saltstack/salt -type f -iname "*.pyc" -print -delete`?Then start them back up. I believe that will resolve this issue.