Joost van Doremalen
Joost van Doremalen
I am seeing the same problem, as @greggarson already said I think it has to do with `Range` requests not being supported.
@ryansmith94 I don't see any errors in `pm2 logs`. Anything I can check to see whether data can be removed? And if so; how can I safely remove the data?
Thanks, now deleting those. What about `DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_QUEUE` (I've got a lot of those as well)?
Mmm strange... it's set to production in the .env file. So all keys prefixed with `DEV_` can be removed as well?
Here's the content of one of the statements: ```> HGETALL bull:DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_QUEUE:4213125 1) "opts" 2) "{\"removeOnFail\":false,\"removeOnComplete\":false,\"attempts\":1,\"delay\":0,\"timestamp\":1546567921384}" 3) "priority" 4) "0" 5) "data" 6) "{\"statementId\":\"5c2ec0eddcbf3d6969956ab6\"}" 7) "name" 8) "__default__" 9) "delay"...
Here's the output: ``` Sampled 8297439 keys in the keyspace! Total key length in bytes is 337395319 (avg len 40.66) Biggest string found 'bull:DEV_STATEMENT_QUEUE:stalled-check' has 13 bytes Biggest list found...
I've removed the `DEV_` keys, but it seems some have returned: ``` redis-cli --scan --pattern bull:DEV_* bull:DEV_STATEMENT_PERSON_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_DEADLETTER_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_PERSONA_IMPORT_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_STATEMENT_QUERYBUILDERCACHE_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_REQUEST_DELAYED_QUEUE:stalled-check bull:DEV_STATEMENT_FORWARDING_REQEUST_QUEUE:stalled-check ``` Is this problematic?
No, not that I know. How can I check this?
We don't have statement forwarding set up ``` novolrs:PRIMARY> db.statementForwarding.count() 0 ``` FYI, this is our `.env` file: ``` # Node environment (production|development) NODE_ENV=production # Site URL (used for emails)...
I'm also facing this on cloud run now and then. Are there any configuration changes we can make to alleviate this issue?