Edoardo Morandi

Results 37 issues of Edoardo Morandi

As commented [in this issue](https://github.com/rust-italia/dgc/issues/34#issuecomment-1004733143), it should be pretty trivial to add support for `ECDSA_P384_SHA256_FIXED`. Is there any particular reason the implementation is not already available? I just want to...

Short version of this bug: take a shared library not compiled for x86_64 and radare2 is unable to find references to strings. Long version: Take this piece of c code:...


Greetings everyone! I [asked in ReasonML forum](https://reasonml.chat/t/reasonreact-hooks-exhaustive-deps-checks/2447) if anyone was aware of a way to check for exhaustive deps checks when using ReasonReact hooks. I really think that this issue...

I encountered this bug using a NextJS backend, and it is pretty tricky. First of all, I really believe this is not related to this library, but I am still...

I am having a strange issue with a false positive error. I have a typical Python3 project with `setup.py` and the package directory, with all modules inside and, obviously, the...

Closes #174 Credits to @russcam who kindly provided help, the implementation and the documentation inside the issue.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As already mentioned in #154, the fact that `_id` is a mandatory field for the `API`, but [since Elasticsearch 7.6](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.6/docs-bulk.html#bulk-api-request-body)...


Running the game in debug triggers a subtraction overflow at `nox_planet/src/region/builder/buildings.rs:21:26` (and obviously the following line is affected as well). I imagine that the intended behavior is to overflow and...

It looks like that using `slide: data-background` for images is not working, the [relative documentation](https://hackmd.io/s/slide-example#Themes) is broken as well (no image is displayed)

These are just some bugs I found thanks to warnings and sanitizers. Unfortunately there are quite a lot of misalignment issues related to how memory is allocated (for instance using...