Richard Herrera

Results 16 comments of Richard Herrera

IE10 supports the new flexbox model. Flexie enables the 2009 model. So these are not the droids you are looking for.

So my plan was to wait until the new draft was stable enough to attempt implementation. I believe WebKit(?) has already switched to the new model, so I guess the...

@paulirish Thanks for the notes. When you said Safari 6 and FF stable were up to spec, did you mean the 2009 spec? I just tried some flexbox tests in...

Interesting. I just gave it a go and it looks like it's still missing support for the `flex-wrap` property. I hope they're not going live with an incomplete implementation, or...

@paulirish @MarcDiethelm [So yeah]( > I'm intending to leave out the multi-line mode from our initial flexbox implementation, as noted in bug 696253 comment 11, and to add multi-line support...

@MarcDiethelm Still interested in helping? :) @paulirish I need some flexbox enthusiasts to pitch in, this rewrite is too big for me to handle myself. Can you warm up the...

To those able to contribute ( @SamuelEnglard, @jessebeach, @pci ), first of all: Thank you! This repository targets the old Flexbox spec, and is only tangentially related to the next-gen...

A possible blocker in using JSCSSP is its size. Even without a parsing solution I'm already topping 25KB in my [Reflexie build]( I assume I'd need to bundle my chosen...

There are a few rough issues in Reflexie now that I added as a roadmap. We should continue discussions there: The tests are not finished, no. There's a logjam...

Hm, it sounds like it's trying to call updateInstance on an invalid object. Does the function fire before stylesheets or Flexie itself is loaded? I can suppress the error, but...