Miguel Amatón
Miguel Amatón
By using [window-vibrancy](https://lib.rs/crates/window-vibrancy) I was able to `apply_blur` during `fn create_window` on `Processor`. This library also supports Acrylic but the performance when moving the window is very slow (I have...
@adamazing that's great! I'm not sure what issue are you running into for building on windows, but I'll try to build your branch and if I find something I'll update...
> Is #219 a issue? Yes, after some deeper testing, the Yoshi's Story black texture issue is present on tvOS too, as well as similar Mario Kart 64 problems...
Looking into it today! Thanks for the tip!
On Odin Pro (Snapdragon 845, Adreno 630, 8GB RAM) a get a similar issue when using the Parallel core, but on Mupen64Plus-Next GLES3 it crashes on minimize, sleep etc. [retroarch__2022_05_18__12_27_35.log](https://github.com/libretro/mupen64plus-libretro-nx/files/8729739/retroarch__2022_05_18__12_27_35.log)...
> Did anyone get to the bottom on this? Facing this on my Retroid Pocket 3+ too using glcore I haven't had a chance to jump into it. Might be...
Wow very issue much good written, I fix issue but please test after wards and let know
So, are you experiencing an error when you try to load the stereoscopic (3D) shaders? I don't understand this issue very well.