Amelia Dobis
Amelia Dobis
So I rewrote the pass to do a (fairly hacky) backwards walk from the assertion to handle all of the ltl ops. This allowed me to integrate the direct lowering...
> Sorry if this is not going to be a focused review and mostly me rambling instead, but this is stretching my knowledge of both MLIR rewrites and SVA/LTL. So,...
@fzi-hielscher I found my typo in the implementation, I confused `delay.getInput()` with `concat.getInputs.front()`. The NOI lowering should work now.
Just also wanted to add a final comment about a more general LTL conversion. It's not that it's impossible to do, it's just that finding a direct lowering like the...
> I just throw in my two cents worth. Implementing a general approach where you convert any LTL formula to the core hardware dialects just to use it in formal...
Thanks a lot for exploring betters ways to write this backwards walk, I think I can definitely use that to make things a whole lot more readable! As for the...
I updated the pass to use the `RecursivePatternMatcher` that was recommended to drastically clean my special casing up. I also changed the implementation such that the generated registers use the...
This is being reworked and will be part of a few separate PRs, so I'm going to close this one.
> Good to start a discussion here. I think it should evolve to provide a compatibility layer for ChiselTest API on top of the new Chisel simulation framework. Then it...