Eduardo Silva
Eduardo Silva
Hello! I was working late at night at a project and wondered if simplecov had a dark theme, and it looks like it doesn't. I saw that other issue about...
It would be nice if `linuxdeplyqt` could sign the AppImages, as can be done with `appimagetool`, as discussed on I don't know how to do it, but I could...
It would be nice to be able to use [cppan]( to help setting image magick libraries like `Magick++` and `MagickWand` on C/C++ projects. Is this possible/desirable?
Hello! I'd like to be able to create new projects on jira through the cli. Do you think it's doable?
Hello! First of all, thanks for this project! The skull character used to mark nodes as complete is not very readable with the font I'm using, and I was wondering...
Rails 6 uses webpack by default, and it seems that `social-share-button` doesn't support it yet. I seems to involve adding a `package.json` and publishing the project on npm. An example...
Hello! First, awesome REPL you did! On `fish` and `zsh`, you can have syntax highlighting as you type. Pry does it when you submit a line. What do you think...
I got some issues when trying to generate a histogram. I had no problems with points and lines, just with histograms. Below is a minimal example that recreates the behavior...