Dominik Weckmüller

Results 16 comments of Dominik Weckmüller

Found a solution for my use case. I simply combined some GitHub actions to get what I wanted right in my gh-pages branch. See [my gist]( Note that the compressed...

I can confirm the error in a conda env on Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10, only that sometimes no error shows up - neither in Jupyter Lab directly nor in...

Unfortunately it seems like nobody is working on it yet. Just wanted to propose [leaflet hexbins]( to anyone looking for the possibility to visualize two things at the same time....

Easy to implement. 1. In Tour options set `keyboardNavigation: false` to deactivate default navigation. 2. Add classes `shepherd-left-arrow` and `shepherd-right-arrow` to buttons by setting e.g.   ```javascript { action() {return yourFunction()},...

As twitterscraper is (temporarily) dead, I thought I'd share my favorite alternative scraper. @mattwsutherland your solution requires an API-key (which is super hard to get) so unfortunately it's useless to...

Thanks, later I'll look into it. Meanwhile I might have found a different cross-browser solution for downloading blobs, will test later and update here. Once I get this running, I'll...

Just sharing some WIP in case anyone needs it asap. Loading a remote excel file `.xlsx`, reading as pandas df and downloading as `.csv` with the file picker solution. Requires...

Hi @hellozeyu this is not related as your URL is simply wrong. You're trying to read a csv from the GitHub landing page ``. Insert the real link (raw csv...

Ah sorry, thought this was pandas-related. You cannot work with the urllib or requests package in pyscript but need to use the pyodide alternatives. See [this example](

Hi @marimeireles! Thanks for coming back to this issue. I'm not at home this week but I'll have a look at the new docs next week. Looks promising! I might...