``` #!/usr/bin/env python3 ## power_mng.soc_strategy 0: SOC-Ziel = SOC, 1: Konstant, 2: Extern, 3: Mittlere Batteriespannung, 4: Intern, 5: Zeitplan (default: 4) ## power_mng.soc_target_set Force SOC target (default: 0.5) -->...
Unfortunately there is no documentation. We have to find out for ourselves how the settings work. [Special RCT Infos]( [Starting on Page 32]( @heikone You don't need to flash! Please...
My script is more than 6 months old. But I don't use it due to lack of time. @heikone Please use heiphoss instand of installer for the android app! But...
Once we have figured out how this all works, we could write a wrapper that provides the functions such as charging from the grid for Tibber, changing the SOC, etc....
Ok, please use [rctpower_writesupport]( for your updates!