I've fixed this issue and added support for .net 4.6 and MVC 5.2.3, how can I commit the source code to this repository????
you can get it from here https://github.com/afzalgujrat/recaptcha-net
I tried Nuget 0.8 and 0.8.16 beta as well but .Libraries("") property is not there can you please upgrade the Nuget package with that property
I'm using this nuget package its better with multiple options https://github.com/brookshi/LLMListView Swipe Left/Right with one action Swipe Left/Right with one action with animation Swipe Right with fixed and multiple actions...
It'll be nice if an option is there to give the time span as parameter just like we have in Email Confirmation Tokens but for PhoneNumberToken its by default 3...
@gfazzola do you plan to create a nuget package with ssl extension as @hikalkan has not merged your changes in his original version ????