>A related problem with the new placement of the Eze settings link This has been "fixed", although it seems that this behaviour is intended. (See: the e-hentai main page, which...
Do you have any example URLs it consistently fails on? Or is it hard to reproduce? There are some deeply ingrained issues with how this script downloads galleries that can...
I can actually guarantee that the issue is older than just "months". Probably been there from the start. Part of the problem comes from the way the script pre-caches the...
Testing with Violentmonkey on Firefox ESR shows some problems also. Seems to be related to the garbage collector going haywire, not sure why when Greasemonkey 3 works fine. Script is...
I'm surprised it works at all on GM 4+ due to their loss of backwards compatibility. I'll have to look into it some more again.
As a general note to myself: This problem occurs because the image URLs are fetch beforehand. On large galleries, the tokens related to these URLs expire by the time they...
As far as I'm aware, this is not possible using the tools JS/HTML5 provides. The script cannot save a file to the hard drive or automatically open the "Save As"...
Check [here](https://boards.4chan.org/h/thread/4090311)
Maybe. Being the largest and most complicated feature of eze, the downloader is probably the most difficult to rewrite in a robust manner. There are other downloading scripts available as...
See #2, this may be the same request as that one.