Khanh Doan
Khanh Doan
You have an interesting and precise question. Have you got the answer yet? I look forward to the answer.
Thank you very much for your reply. I've try your method and one more which comment all the decorators on `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate`, `fedbase.BasicClient.train` and `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate_with` but it still does not work....
I am going to switch to your new repo FLGo. Thank you again for your projects, they've helped me a lot.
> I've commented the decorators on `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate` ( i.e. `@ss.with_dropout` and `@ss.with_clock`), `fedbase.BasicClient.train` (i.e. only `@ss.with_completeness`) and `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate_with` (i.e. `@ss.with_latency`). After doing this, I run `` with --num_threads 6, it...
> > > I've commented the decorators on `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate` ( i.e. `@ss.with_dropout` and `@ss.with_clock`), `fedbase.BasicClient.train` (i.e. only `@ss.with_completeness`) and `fedbase.BasicServer.communicate_with` (i.e. `@ss.with_latency`). After doing this, I run `` with --num_threads...