I'm just wondering if we can use this package if we run multiple Meteor instances? Is it possible or does it cause problems?
Hey guys, I'm using this plugin in combination with Sails.js. I'm using the following code: ``` video: function (req, res) { req.validate({ id: 'string' }); var id = req.param('id'); //This...
## Summary Using Cross Validation without blocking the CPU. ### Motivation Since we have a trainAsync function, a trainAsync function for the CrossValidation class would also make sense.
Hey, we are currently facing a strange issue during a Safari Chrome connection. When we change the stream (camera) multiple times (mostly after 5-6 times) via removeStream / addStream, the...
Hey, I'm having the following structure: ``` ``` #main uses display: flex;, while #content has the size of flex:1;. The content within ScrollBars isn't visible on Safari (the div has...
Hey, I'm currently adding some data in my afterInit event. It currently looks like this: Posting.js ``` afterInit(e) { const doc = e.currentTarget; doc.userDoc = User.findOne({_id: doc.userId}); } ``` Because...
Hey, I'm returning this array in one of my Meteor methods: return Video.find({status:'released'},{limit:500,fields:{md5:0}}).fetch(); The problem is that the md5 field is also part of each document, so the fields parameter...
Hey, I'm having an issue when I try to change the title of the header. For example my app component looks like this: ``` class App extends Component { constructor(props)...
Hey @muaz-khan, I get a lot of the following errors in my application: The play() request was interrupted by a new load request The remote stream doesn't start. Browser is...
Hey, is it possible to set a fixed port for the local running server?