Dobromir Nikolov

Results 27 comments of Dobromir Nikolov

Not really as it's relatively "complete" in terms of the specification. Any improvements are welcome though. Feel free to submit a PR.

That'd be awesome!

As much as I like this approach, I think it's just going too far. I was kind of trying to find the balance between the standard (already familiar to most)...

I'd be reluctant to switch to sqlite. For me, dockerizing the setup would be the way to go.

You don't *have* to run docker, you could do just as well with a separate pg instance. On the other hand, this project also strives to display a somewhat complete...

Yep, you're right. It'd be great to tighten up the type screws a bit. I don't have a .NET setup, could you submit a PR?

As in I don't have a development setup that would allow me to build and run this thing.

It'd be great if you have the time for a PR.

Any solution to this? I tried @SamProtas's suggestion, but I get ` • Overlapping instances for Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.AddSetCookies`.