Daniel Nord

Results 37 comments of Daniel Nord

I had the same problem, and after exploring all kinds of resources in k8s, I found a secret "sh.helm.release.v1.spa-demo.v1" that had been left behind after a partial deployment of my...

Yes, we have been using Micronaut for over two years now and would love to see support Micronaut/Netty support in ElasticCloud APM

As Micronaut does not have any guides on how to provide the needed configuration to configure the integrated OTLP feature and Elastic APM it would be very helpful if anyone...

@eyalkoren I tried to use Micronaut 3.6.0 and adding the micronut-tracing-opentelemetry-http without adding rest of the opentelemetry dependencies make micronaut just throw exceptions.

@eyalkoren I'm going to attempt to find a way to integrate micronaut 3.6.0 with ElasticAPM and created an discussion in https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-tracing/discussions/154 to follow up with the Micronaut developers. My first...

@eyalkoren my elasticapm agent is reporting jvm metrics to elastic apm, so it seems the agent is configured correctly and sending data. When looking the the logs of the agent...

Just for info, I configured Micronaut 3.6.0 integrated open telemetry feature which run the opentelemetry-exporter in Micronaut. I configured the opentelemetry-exporter like the official otel docs describes by setting the...

Got the same result when trying to deploy a HelmRelease with version 0.5.0

delayed, but not forgotten. Need to stabilize the application first some more before adding more features.

I havent created a SPA yet for myself, I have focused on API authentication for now. I should probably create a simple SPA to test how forwardauth + auth0 behaves....