Daniele Nicolodi
Daniele Nicolodi
I think the documentation is already in a very good shape even without that many examples as most of the knowledge about writing a PEG parser applies to TatSu with...
What it is not clear to me is the purpose of the object model code generator. Is the generated code supposed to be edited? Importing the generated code does not...
By the way, my first use of TatSu ended up looking like this https://github.com/beancount/beanquery/pull/99
The convenience is for projects using TatSu: generating the parser from the grammar at package build time would require simply adding a declaration in`setup.py`. The approach is inspired by what...
Anyhow, it is just an idea. I just published a small project that uses CFFI and I found the setuptools integration very convenient and I wanted to see how difficult...
Just pushed a new version that is conceptually simpler.
Which version of Python and which OS? On my system (macOS 10.14): ``` daniele@black:~$ python3.6 -c "from decimal import Decimal as D; print(D('0.015').quantize(D('0.01')))" 0.02 daniele@black:~$ python3.7 -c "from decimal import...
I investigated more and the above example is not the right one to demonstrate the rounding behavior. The default rounding mode is `ROUND_HALF_EVEN` which "rounds to nearest with ties going...
The round half even rule is taught in high school (well... probably not in the US...) and it takes exactly ten words to explain. I think the users beancount is...
I started looking at this and the issue is more complicated than expected. It intersects with the problem of inferred precision and tolerance which makes even writing tests more complicated...