Dallas Moore
Dallas Moore
I was just wondering if there were any troubleshooting tips on getting the RPi install working... Specifically, the phone app doesn't seem to want to detect the presence of Firewalla...
After running `docker-compose up`, I keep getting pgp key generation errors for the misp_web container. Any thoughts on how to remedy the situation? > misp_web | > misp_web | Current...
I was attempting to analyze a file in Ghidra, but the following set of errors were returned instead, and I'm not real sure where to begin troubleshooting. ``` intezer_analyze_gh_community.py> Running......
Fixed issue with Get-LogWinEvent to deal with issue #199. Also updated README.MD to provide guidance on some of the newer features integrated in to Kansa.
Is it possible to ingest PDF reports for assessment? Various vendors release longer form reports and analyses in PDF format (for a collection, see here: https://github.com/CyberMonitor/APT_CyberCriminal_Campagin_Collections), and it would be...
Please add support for STIX 2.x
- Made temp file location OS independent - temp files were originally saved to /tmp, but this doesn't work so well if ViperMonkey is installed to FLARE VM. - Added...
### What do you need? I would like to have the ability to define patterns as YAML files because I find it helps me treat the patterns in a more...