Diego Marinho

Results 15 comments of Diego Marinho

Exactly @stevengj . How we can accomplish this? Could you provide some guidance, please?

Great, @stevengj if we can overcome this, would be a huge step for the Julia community and would be glad to publish an article showing this new awesome feature!

Good point @dfdx I changed the version to this one: https://downloads.apache.org/spark/spark-2.4.7/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz Now I`m getting: ```julia julia> using Spark julia> Spark.init() ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid index: nothing of type Nothing Stacktrace: [1]...

@StefanKarpinski It has been observed that in certain cases, some applications may encounter slow response times when accessing private or government websites, possibly due to inadequate hardware and bandwidth on...

@ExpandingMan, thanks for bringing up the question about the handling of 0s in the parsing matrix. From my previous experience and comparing various implementations, such as XGBoost in Julia, Python...

Great news, @ExpandingMan! Your suggestion worked. I implemented the code you suggested and was able to load more than 1.7M rows in the DMatrix using version 1.1.1 as expected. I'll...

Here is an update from my side. I tried to use the commented code at `dmatrix.jl`file: ``` function DMatrix(x::SparseMatrixCSC{

Ok. Let me investigate more about the differences between these two versions and post them here.

Thank you @ExpandingMan and @trivialfis for your feedback and support. The DMatrix appears to be working correctly. **Sample - Original Sparse SVMLight Data:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4332052/212781548-b22b1025-ffa7-41e0-b553-13940f5134f3.png) **Sample - DMatrix Representation:** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4332052/212781568-c4548c57-fced-490b-b4c3-a8420be62729.png) I...

# Research Update ## Score Model Analysis I have been running a comparison of two distinct versions of XGBoost, `v.1.1.1` and `v2.1.1`, using the same model parameters and data. I...