Danielle Leong
Danielle Leong
Planning and tracking work: - Centralized backlog (where it makes sense) - Break down work into manageable chunks - Initiative - Epic - Batch - Task - Overhead and planning...
Links recommended by @benbalter: * https://ben.balter.com/2016/06/06/twelve-things-a-product-manager-does/ * https://joshelman.medium.com/a-product-managers-job-63c09a43d0ec#.t7puifka7 * https://medium.com/all-things-product-management/product-manager-you-are-664d83ee702e#.6054jkko8 * https://medium.com/@bfgmartin/what-is-a-product-manager-ce0efdcf114c#.nfocpyput * https://irishbryan.medium.com/product-managers-are-apes-21f25828dcb7#.ujgo9swh6 * https://medium.com/@noah_weiss/50-articles-and-books-that-will-make-you-a-great-product-manager-aad5babee2f7#.1t1kwhhly
- Close partnership and trust is paramount for the health of the team - PM focuses on gathering customer feedback and turning it into feature requests, voice of the customer,...
[Stop datamining me](https://www.stopdatamining.me/opt-out-list/) has a comprehensive list of basically everything
Might it be helpful to define the target audience for this site? For more advanced folks, this checklist may not be useful, but for less privacy-aware folks, this is a...
> Also to be noted, technical people don't always have the best opsec. Maybe a slider for how paranoid you are :joy: Looks like this is being discussed here https://github.com/brianlovin/security-checklist/issues/88
Not a designer, but it feels a bit more intuitive to have it at the bottom? The blank space at the top to me seems more intuitive for navigation 🤔
Absolutely! I can do some more research and add more links to here
Here's some more links: - [How to Fix (or Kill) Web Data About You](https://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/14/technology/personaltech/14basics.html) - [How to scrub your private data from 'people finder' sites](https://www.infoworld.com/article/3168318/security/how-to-scrub-your-private-data-from-people-finder-sites.html) -[How to Remove Yourself From...
@brianlovin These resources tend to go deeper into each of the existing sections, so it feels a bit redundant to list them each repetitively, but I leave the decision ultimately...