Shelomanov Dmitry

Results 7 issues of Shelomanov Dmitry

Can i do this ? Modal rendered and transform move it outside screen But in ios safari (with bounce effect) we can watch for it transformed modal (only if parent...

Bug: Content will not scroll if you set a fixed height o content and parent styles contains overflow scroll Short example ``` ...list ``` Example above dont works

Can i use light color scheme in the dark mode ? (IOS)

I need to get webpack config for HMR middleware. Can I do it ?

Error message > leaveEvent must be wrapped with useUnit from effector-react before usage inside React components Example ```ts function useLeave(event: Event) { const e = useUnit(event) } ``` No need...

need to discuss

``` this.login = function (username, password, callback) { var self = this; this.rocketChatClient.authentication.login(username, password, function (err, body) { self.token =; callback(null, body); }); }; ``` no handle error !!!...