
Results 53 comments of Dmitry

> Thank you for the great tool which is what I have been searching for long time! I use org-agenda with my customized dash view by defining org-agenda-customize-command with short...

I thought > Figaro convention is to never commit configuration files. but that doesn't answer your question (or mine). I'm in a similar boat.

@insanum are you no longer working on this? Too bad, but :+1: to this feature request anyway. Thanks for a great app, it just needs to be updated.

Thanks zzet, if I recall any `shell` commands are run non-interactively. Any tips?

@zzet, I'm trying to provision an environment from an ansible script. Specifically it requires installing ruby 2.2.2 and Phusion Passenger. I have the following statement: ``` - name: install passenger...

@justinabrahms maybe something like this will be helpful? ```elisp (use-package delve :straight (:repo "publicimageltd/delve" :host github :type git) :bind ;; the main entry point, offering a list of all stored...

FWIW, it looks like it left my `~/.emacs.d/org-roam.db` corrupted, every invocation to org-roam resulted in a full Emacs hang. I `rm`ed the file and it works now.

Do you think it's possible to split this is up into two tasks: 1. getting ranged timestamp to match `scheduled` and `planning` 2. searching for a timestamp in a range....

Thanks for the feedback. I thought about splitting this behavior up initially, but figured that `retry` and `repeat` (as you describe them) were sufficiently similar and could be encapsulated in...

I started implementing this as you suggested but I'm hitting a bit of a roadblock, so I'd appreciate a suggestion. If we're assuming that `retry:` will rerun the `block` if...