Dmitry Kovalev
Dmitry Kovalev
Hi Please check on latest 3.3.1 version.
It's quite strange because of 3.2.0 version contains same part of a code ``` function extend(subject, baseObject) { subject = subject || {}; Object.keys(subject).forEach(function(key) { baseObject[key] = !!subject[key]; }); return...
Hi After consulting with @moroshko I've fixed build and made separated distribs for old and modern browsers. Since 3.3.2 version if you need to support old browsers such IE11, you...
Hi Sorry for delaying with answer. I've published version 3.3.3 with ie11 modules included.
Maybe it's too late for @magician11, but useful for other users. You can try to set the `crossOrigin` property to `anonymous`. ``` ```