Dmytro Perepolkin

Results 41 issues of Dmytro Perepolkin

First of all thank you for the awesome package! It changed the way I write academic papers and I am looking forward to converting my colleagues to the workflow involving...


Slide you are showing is by Chet Haase at Google from his [talk ]( ca.2014 He repeated it several times on [other occasions]( Referred in his own blog [post]( Discussed...

Thank you for providing a dataset for homoglyphs. I notice that unicode's `confusables` has multi-letter homoglyphs listed, as well. I envisage converting your list into JSON or some sort of...

When tree consists of one root and one leaf, `node_is_root()` and `node_is_leaf()` get lost: ``` r library(tidygraph) create_tree(2, 1) %>% mutate(node_is_root(), node_is_leaf()) #> # A tbl_graph: 2 nodes and 1...


I think there's an error in `node_distance_from()`, as it returns wrong results when applied to `node_is_leaf()`. Here's an example: ``` library(tidygraph) graph % activate(nodes) %>% mutate(name=1:n()) ``` The following code...

First of all thanks for the package! In best traditions of R, we need to enable rendering of reprex output to Teams (similar how it is done in [slackreprex](

May I suggest a `xaringanExtra::use_remark_macros(x)`, which places a macros.js file into the slide directory with the functionality specified by character vector "x". Below are some suggested values and corresponding macros:...

status: considering
type: new
priority: medium

Do you want hex and ghcard for the package? I imagined something like this might work? ```r library(magick) library(bunny) img % image_composite(img, gravity = "center", offset = "+0-150", operator =...

TL;DR: I am building [polite]( web scraping tools on top of httr/curl. I would like `httr` to use the same default useragent strings as `curl` (that I can override in...