Marco Hamann
Marco Hamann
Oh Im sorry. I'll fix that.
I made the mistake to use the files mentioned in the issue which were based on an older commit and I replaced the whole content. I merged the code
I guess it is not possible at the moment. The source is taken of the GraphQL.Dotnet infos this library gets. Maybe it would be possible to hand in an custom...
I guess it is even way easier and without any code change. The constructor of GraphQLEngine accepts a delegate for type resolution. Just add a delegate like (type) => IoCContainer.Resolve(type)...
Anything else which is resolved by the container can be scoped. I dont know how an asp service or prims currently works but at some point you register your dependencies...
@aleksandarsusnjar Are there any news from the december meeting on this topic? Having the ability to group the mutations is quiet an important topic for my company. I could not...
I have the same behaviour. I use an in memory subscription but I guess the reason might be the same. I get HotChocolate.Subscriptions.InMemory.InvalidMessageTypeException . The return type of my subscription...