Results 15 issues of Dian Fay

I'd also like to suggest breaking out a "higher level Postgres-only data access libraries" section, since both Massive and pogi are more that than they are language bindings per se....

This started because I wanted to customize colors, and turned into something of a rabbit hole. To summarize: * dynamically setting colors in termion is awkward (cf [broot]( * the...

### Checklist before submitting an issue - [X] I have searched through the existing [closed and open issues]( for eww and made sure this is not a duplicate - [X]...


I want to be able to issue this (postgres syntax): ``` sql update "MyModel" set field = 'value' from "MyModel" as myModel join "RelatedModel" on "RelatedModel".id = myModel.related_model_id where "RelatedModel".otherfield...

type: feature
status: understood

I'm attempting to capture the value of `required_prop` and, where it equals "the right value", that of `conditional_prop`. My query does not yield the results I expect, and diverges from...

This query: ``` (( (expression_statement (method_invocation arguments: (argument_list (string_literal) @first_str)) (#match? @first_str "one fish")) )(expression_statement (method_invocation name: (identifier) @mname arguments: (argument_list (string_literal) @next_str)) (#match? @mname "append") )*) ``` This Java...

Not much to elaborate here, this does what it says on the tin. Thanks for rofi!

### FAQ - [X] I have checked the [FAQ]( and it didn't resolve my problem. ### Issues - [X] I have checked [existing issues]( and there are no issues with...


hello! We've added a few checks at Beacon: - whether RLS is enabled for a table - array-to-array `set_eq` - whether a column array has an exclusion constraint set -...

waiting on author

Provider 0.68.2 ```hcl resource "snowflake_grant_privileges_to_role" "writer_future_policies" { role_name = local.role_writer privileges = ["APPLY"] with_grant_option = false on_schema_object { future { object_type_plural = "ROW ACCESS POLICIES" in_schema = "${}.SECURITY" } }...
